watchao is an online website providing services as defined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

We strongly support copyright law and take the legal protection of copyright owners very seriously.

If you are the owner of any content that appears on the website and you do not authorize the use of that content, then you are encouraged to notify us by writing to dmca[at] so that we can identify and take the necessary action.

We cannot take action if you do not provide us with the necessary information. So please write an email filled with some of the details mentioned below.

Specify the copyrighted content that you think has been infringed. If you are claiming infringement of multiple copyrighted works in one email then please list them in detail along with the website address of the infringing content.

Provide your name, telephone, work address and email address to enable us to contact you.

If you are in good faith then please send the email yourself, it is not permitted if the email is from an agent or third party.

The information must be accurate and under penalty of forgery.